ClubSport Steerig Wheel Uiversal Hub for XBOX ONE出品商品は画像の物が全てです2020年6月にFANATEC公式サイトから新品を買いました。大きな傷も無く動作良好です。ペット無し禁煙環境からの出品です。マグネットMODを装着してますので、パドルシフトの節度感も増して操作フィーリングが向上しております。FANATEC製品の他、実車のステアリングも装着可能なのでリアリティを求めている方にオススメです。PCとXBOX ONE及びSX/SS専用品ですがDRIVE HUBを使えばPS4/PS5でも動作します。支払い確認後、即日発送させて頂きます。
FYI for people who upgraded to fanatec from thrustmaster or logitec The universal hub will do it all. For me it was g920/TS-PC/CSW2.5 In that order upgraded. And With a single drill
FYI for people who upgraded to fanatec from thrustmaster or logitec The universal hub will do it all. For me it was g920/TS-PC/CSW2.5 In that order upgraded. And With a single drill
DTM / GT Wheel Plag&Play 6x70mm [Fanatec HUB] (PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, XBox) | 3DRap
SIMPUSH FANATEC ClubSport Universal Hub carbon fiber paddle shifter mod | eBay
Can you mount this on the Fanatec universal hub v2 and would it work fine? : r/Fanatec
Fanatec Universal Hub Rim for ClubSport Wheel - Introduction
SIMPUSH FANATEC ClubSport Universal Hub Magnetic paddle shifter mod Modification
Needed to adjust the pods. Love the universal hub with the podium shifters. : r/Fanatec
ClubSport Universal Hub V2 for Xbox
Fanatec Clubsport Universal Hub pickup and tour! [SIM RACING HARDWARE]
Fanatec Universal Hub Magnetic Shifter Mod
would this wheel work without the universal hub : r/Fanatec
F1 Style Sim Steering Wheel Mod for Fanatec ClubSport Universal Hub – Grid Style
Fanatec Podium Button Module Rally – Review – Simracing-PC
Fanatec Clubsport Universal Hub $0.02 Review